Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Climate Change

Good Afternoon Class,

Some of you are still not home from school yet, but I raced home to post some additional information regarding our Climate Change unit we started today.  This will help you analyze the effects of human activities on habitats and communities.

The Earth's climate is changing,  in ways that you can't easily see.  The Earth is getting warmer because people are adding heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere, mainly by burning fossil fuels. These gases are called greenhouse gases. Warmer temperatures are causing other changes around the world, such as melting glaciers and stronger storms. These changes are happening because the Earth's air, water, and land are all linked to the climate. The Earth's climate has changed before. 

The Earth's climate is getting warmer, and the signs are everywhere. Rain patterns are changing, sea level is rising, and snow and ice are melting sooner in the spring. As global temperatures continue to rise, we'll see more changes in our climate and our environment. These changes will affect people, animals, and ecosystems in many ways.  Less rain can mean less water for some places, while too much rain can cause terrible flooding. More hot days can dry up crops and make people and animals sick.

The negative impacts of global climate change will be less severe overall if people reduce the amount of greenhouse gases we're putting into the atmosphere and worse if we continue producing these gases at current or faster rates.

Click the globe to watch an interesting video on Climate Change

Novel Study: Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang

Good Evening Grade 4's!

We will be starting our Novel Study on Monday February 7th.  All of you will be receiving a copy of the book on Friday.  This will give you an opportunity to browse through the book over the weekend.  I read this novel when I was your age and I feel you will enjoy it just as much as I did.

Story Summary
Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded Fang is about a young boy who strives to be heard. He is nicknamed Two-Two because he has to say things twice to be heard.  One day, Jacob decided to try buying groceries for his parents. He is misunderstood by the grocer, who thinks Jacob insulted him, and as a result finds himself in court, sentenced to two years, two months, two weeks, two hours and two minutes in the Children's Prison hundreds of miles away from civilization. It is a dark, dirty, dungeon-like place where children work and are kept in cells.  Only two plus two plus two years old and a prisoner, Jacobs future seems bleak indeed. But though he is young and small he is far from helpless, and when the Infamous Two come to his aid, Child Power triumphs.Jacob Two-Two's ordeal and rescue is the substance and delight of this marvelously funny story.

Track and Field Reminder

Hello Students and Parents,

Many of you have been asking me about when, and where, the Track and Field meet is being held.  I talked to Mr. Di Francesco and he sent me the following information:


HWCDSB Track and Field Schedule
Tuesday, May 17th
Mohawk Sports Park – Hamilton
*****Events may start up to 30 minutes earlier than posted*******
(Bus will be picking us up from OUR LADY OF PEACE at 7:30 a.m.)

Click HERE for times on Track Events and Field Events

***If you have any questions or concerns bring them to class with you tomorrow***

Different Types of Rocks

Good Evening Class,

Tomorrow during SCIENCE I will be supplying you with a variety of different rocks.  We will investigate, test, and compare the physical properties of rocks and minerals.

A naturally formed solid in the crust, made up of one or more minerals

Igneous Rock:  
A rock formed when melted rock material cools and hardens.

Sedimentary Rock: 
A rock made of bits of matter joined together.

Metamorphic Rock: 
A rock formed under heat and pressure from another kind of rock.

This video will help you understand in greater detail the different characteristics of these types of rocks.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Perimeter Review

Good afternoon class,

I was driving home today thinking about how well you grasped the concept of perimeter.  Most of you completed the assigned homework in class.

Follow the Link and challenge yourself to see how many perimeter questions you can answer in one minute.  I look forward to hearing your results tomorrow.


Perimeter is the distance around the OUTSIDE of the shape.

This Shape has a total of 6 sides


 FORMULA:    P = S + S + S + S + S + S
                        P = 5 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 5
                        P = 20

Some Extra Practice!

Good evening boys and girls,

Our math test is in two days and I want you to review and practice some sample questions.  Focus on the "hard" and "harder" questions because those are the types of questions you will see on the test

- Click link
- Pick desired difficulty (Hard, Harder)
- Complete question on sheet of paper
- Place answer in the box provided online
- Click "???"



  • The dividend is the number that is being divided in the problem. For example, in the problem 50 / 5 = 10, 50 is the dividend.


  • The quotient is the solution to the division problem. In the problem 50 / 5 = 10, 10 is the quotient.


  • The divisor is the number the dividend is being divided by. In the problem 50 / 5 = 10, 5 is the divisor.

A Sneak Peak!

Hello boys and girls,

We will be starting a new SCIENCE unit next week focusing on gears and pulleys.  This will go hand in hand with our culminating activity on "Medieval Times" since catapults are made with both gears and pulleys.

Over the weekend I would like you to make the catapult seen in the video.  Ask your parents, or older siblings for help.  If your confident enough to complete it on your own GO FOR IT!

I look forward to seeing what you come up with on Monday

Good Luck,
Mr. Zenone