Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Greetings Parents!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The summer is over and you know what that means! I am very happy to have your child in my classroom. I believe that by all of us working together we can make this a very successful year.

You are invited to phone me or visit the school any time.  If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me.  I will keep you informed by sending home samples of work every two weeks.  I have put together a “developmental” portfolio for each student, consisting of all work completed in a particular unit.  You are more then welcome to view your Childs work at anytime during the year.

It is important that you and your child be informed of my standards of classroom behavior so everyone knows what is expected. I have always found parents to be very supportive of good classroom behavior so their child has a good environment for maximum learning.  If your child develops any difficulty conforming to the rules, I will notify you. As well, I hope that you will advise me if at any time your child has a problem, academic, social, or emotional. Should your child become discouraged or fearful about school, please communicate with me so that we can discover the cause of the problem.

I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your child's teacher this year, and look forward to meeting each of you.

Mr. Zenone

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